Thursday, February 2, 2012

Portabella Burger

When it comes to mushrooms, you either like them or you don't. My father always said he would never eat anything that grew in bat guano. Fortunately, my mother felt differently and served mushrooms anyway. I love button mushrooms sauteed with butter and onions, mushrooms stuffed with cheeses and baked, mushrooms fried and dipped in sauce...... you get the picture. Out of all the ways to prepare mushrooms, I like portabella burgers the most. Not many restaurants serve them so if by chance I find a place, I always order it.

The following is based on one I had at a local brewery. It was served with a side of sweet potato fries which I have omitted. Because of the amount of liquid that mushrooms hold, I suggest that after cooking you lay the mushrooms on a paper towel to drain a bit. Keep in mind too, mushrooms retain their heat so watch out when you take that first bite!

4 Large portabella mushrooms, cleaned
4 tbs olive oil
4 tbs balsamic vinegar
2 cloves garlic, minced
fresh cracked pepper, to taste
Kosher salt, to taste
2 tablespoons garlic butter, I use Challenge Butter Tuscan Style
1/2 each red, yellow, orange bell peppers all sliced evenly
1/2 purple onion, sliced
1-2 Haas avocados, sliced evenly
4 whole wheat buns
1 6-8oz jar prepared tomato bruschetta
shredded mozzarella cheese for topping

Preheat oven to 375°
Combine the olive oil, balsamic vinegar,minced garlic,pepper and salt in a small bowl. Brush the inside of the mushrooms with this mixture. Place mushrooms, inside facing up, in a shallow baking pan and bake for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven, turn over and brush tops with mixture. Reserve remaining mixture for peppers. Place back in oven and bake for about another 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, heat a saute pan and add garlic butter. When butter is melted add peppers and onions, saute a few minutes then add remaining olive oil/vinegar mixture. Cook over medium heat until vegetables begin to soften. 

To assemble, toast the inside of the buns and spread bruschetta on each half. Place one mushroom on the bottom bun and top with onion/peppers, mozzarella cheese and avocado slices.

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