Monday, February 27, 2012

Mexican Rice - My Husband's Version

I will readily admit that up until about 5 years ago I could not make rice, not even plain white rice! It was so bad that I didn't even bother trying anymore. I always left it up to my husband or purchased boil-n-bags, which he hated. After years of watching him make rice, both white and Mexican style, I decided one day to just give it another try. Surprisingly, I got it right and best of all, he approved!

One thing you will probably notice with this recipe is the cooking of the rice before adding the liquid. Besides this recipe, I now make all of my rice this way. I can tell you this much, the rice always comes out fluffy and cooked perfectly. Another thing you will see is the use of the molcajete to grind the spices. If you can find one, purchase it! Besides using it to prepare Latin foods, it is the best spice grinder out there.

1 cup uncooked white rice
2 tbs vegetable oil
2 cups water
1 large bouillon cube
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tsp ground comino
2 tsp whole comino
1 tsp whole peppercorns
1 8ounce can tomato sauce
1/4 cup each:
      diced onion
      diced green bell pepper
      diced tomato

Grind garlic and all pf the seasonings in a molcajete or spice grinder, set aside. In the microwave, add bouillon to water and microwave til boiling, about 2-3 minutes. Meanwhile, heat a deep covered skillet, add oil and then rice. On high heat, stirring constantly, cook rice until grains start to change color, about 5 minutes. Add spices and cook for about 2 minutes longer. Carefully add water, tomato sauce and vegetables. Bring back to a boil, reduce heat til almost off and cover with lid. Cook until liquid is almost completely absorbed and rice is done. About 20 minutes. Remove from heat. let stand for 5-10 minutes and then fluff with a fork.


  1. I made this with my own molcajete my parents gave me! Came out great. I cooked the diced onion with the rice because I like them fried up a little more.

  2. Awesome suggestion! So glad you liked the recipe :)
