Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Asian Wonton Tacos with Broccoli Slaw

I got the idea to use wonton wrappers as a taco shell from a popular chain restaurant and the filling is one that I use for lettuce wrap. I thought the combining of the two would be a good recipe, and I was right. The nice thing about this recipe is that you can shortcut things by using frozen vegetables and packaged slaw that you can find in most stores. Also, if you cook Asian food on a regular basis, you might have most of the ingredients on hand.

1 package wonton wrappers
oil for frying

1 lb ground turkey
1 16 ounce package frozen stir fry vegetable blend, thawed and roughly chopped
2 tbs minced fresh ginger
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp onion flakes
1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
3 tbs creamy peanut butter
1 tbs rice vinegar
1 tbs sesame oil
1 tsp red pepper flakes

1 cup packaged broccoli slaw
Sriracha sauce for garnish

In a fry pan, heat about an inch of oil til a piece of wonton floats to top when dropped in. Begin frying one wonton wrapper at a time. Place the wonton into the oil flat and using tongs, carefully pick up one corner and begin folding over to opposite corner. Be careful not to let the corners touch, you want at least an inch or two of space between the corners. Remember, you are making taco shells!! When the side in oil begins to brown, turn over and brown other side, being careful that sides do not touch. NOTE: Cook until light brown on both sides, when you remove from oil they will continue to cook for a few seconds. Drain upside down over a paper towel. Repeat with remaining wrappers and set aside.

In a large skillet, cook turkey into no longer pink. Add vegetables, ginger, garlic and onion flakes and cook for another 5 minutes. Add teriyaki sauce, peanut butter, vinegar, oil and pepper flakes, Stir until combined and cook on low until heated through. 

Stuff each wonton shell with filling, top with slaw and Sriracha hot sauce, if desired.

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