Sunday, October 16, 2011

The First Post!

While my husband sits in his Lazyboy waiting to hear about racer Dan Wheldon, I am sitting here thinking about what to write about. I guess I should just introduce myself, a little background is always nice.

My name is Sheri and I live in San Antonio, Texas. Married, mother of 2, step-mother of 4 and grandmother of 2. My husband has congestive heart failure, my daughter is a Senior at UT Austin (Go Longhorns!) and my son is about to turn 14. Because of my husband's illness, I've had to become our family's main income. I got stuck in retail, not always the greatest. I wouldn't mind it except that it comes with strange hours that seem to always interrupt important things, like dinner! The good side about my job is that I get to be home alot to spend time with my husband and kids. It also gives me the opportunity to try recipes I've seen or have thought of. Occasionally my husband, Joe, and I go out for lunch to old haunts and new places. I get ideas from these places as well. I take those ideas, modify them and make them my own.

I'm going to be blogging on recipes, restaurants, bars, food shows and sometimes our lives. I hope someone out there finds my stories, recipes and thoughts enjoyable!

UPDATE: Just announced, Dan Wheldon has died. How sad but at least he was doing what he loved to do......race.


  1. Hi Sheri, just wanted to tell you that I read your entire blog and I might just try out a few of your recipes! Thanks woman!!!

    <3, Gladys

  2. Thank you Gladys! My blog is still a work in progress, hopefully I'll get better at it!
